The tech webinar might be over when the speaker finishes his presentation, but the chance to connect with attendees doesn't have to be.

A post-webinar survey is an essential step in a webinar strategy. The survey helps marketers know how well the webinar performed, understand the attendees better, and optimize future webinars.

Learn why every marketer should send out a post-webinar survey and 10 post-webinar survey questions to include.

Key Takeaways:

Why You Should Conduct a Post-Webinar Survey

IT webinars are a cornerstone of B2B tech marketing. In fact, 57% of marketers run up to 50 webinars annually. A post-webinar survey ensures each webinar is more effective than the last and that marketers don't lose any potential leads after the event.

An after-webinar survey provides additional insights into the attendees that the presenters wouldn't know from the signup form. For example, the signup form might tell presenters what industries and job titles were at the webinar. Meanwhile, the post-webinar survey could reveal how relevant the attendees found the webinar content.

Marketers send out post-webinar surveys as attendees exit the event. Requesting survey responses as attendees leave helps marketers gather responses while the event is still fresh in the attendees’ minds.

There are several ways to use the survey results:

In addition to benefits to the presenter, surveys also benefit the attendees. Attendees appreciate the chance to share their thoughts and opinions. This exchange builds trust, which is essential for future interactions.

What Type of Questions To Include on a Survey

Marketers use several different question formats for the most effective event analysis. Here are three of the most used survey question formats.

Scale Questions

A scale question is easy to respond to. The marketer asks a straightforward question, and the respondent uses a scale to respond. For example, a question might range from very satisfied to very dissatisfied, strongly agree to strongly disagree, or use a numerical ranking system.

The advantage of scale questions is that more attendees will respond because scale questions don't take as much time to fill out. Marketers can also examine results much easier since all answers will be consistent so that marketers can view the results in graph formats.

Scale Question

Image from SurveyMonkey

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow the respondent to write their response. This format will begin with a question and then provides space for the respondent to give a unique answer.

This format requires more concentration and time from the respondent. So, marketers will want to avoid adding too many to a survey as this might reduce the number of responses. However, this format is valuable for receiving deeper insights into the attendee's thoughts.

Open-ended questions

Image from SurveyMonkey

Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple-choice questions offer a blend of the personalization of open-ended questions with the convenience of closed-ended questions. In this format, several specific answers follow the question. For example, a marketer might ask what the attendee found most helpful. Then, the question provides the following options:

Closed-ended questions

Image from

10 Questions To Ask After a Webinar

Use these 10 questions to build a post-webinar survey:

1. Rate Your Satisfaction with the Webinar.

This scale question examines how well the webinar and message resonated with the attendees. Another wording might be, "Rate your overall experience," or, "Did the webinar meet your expectations? (Yes or No)"

2. How Much of the Information Was New to You?

This question can have a multiple-choice response. Marketers might also ask, "How informative was the webinar?" and provide a scale response.

The response helps marketers to understand the webinar's quality and whether the presentation offered unique insights and relevant information that helped the brand stand out as a thought leader.

3. Would You Like To Learn More About This Topic?

Use a yes or no format for this question. Marketers will want to ask one or two similar questions to understand the attendee's buyer's intent. For example, 73% of B2B attendees become qualified leads after a webinar. This question helps marketers identify those qualified attendees.

Attendees that select yes are more likely to respond to marketing emails and attend future events.

4. How Knowledgeable Was the Speaker?

How a speaker presents information is often just as important as what a speaker says. For example, an energetic presentation filled with visuals will be more memorable than a monotone presentation that lists facts and figures.

Ask the attendees their thoughts on the speaker's presentation. For example, ask how knowledgeable the speaker was or how engaging the audience found the presentation. The scale format is the best way to understand the overall opinion of the speaker's presentation.

Use the response to optimize future presentation styles and formats.

5. What Was Your Biggest Takeaway?

Ask this open-ended question to get an accurate feel for how well the audience understood the presentation. This question helps marketers know whether the core message was clear in the presentation.

6. What Was the Most Helpful Part of the Webinar?

Marketers can ask what the audience found helpful to know what the webinar and presenter did well. In addition, this question can give insights into how likely those attendees want or need the business's products and services.

This question works as either an open-ended question or as a multiple choice.

7. What Was the Least Useful Part of the Webinar?

Marketers can also ask what was least helpful to understand what the webinar presenter can improve. For instance, attendees might have found the presentation lacking visuals or the resources weren't thorough enough.

Along with this question, consider adding an open-ended question that asks for specific suggestions for improvement to give the marketing team actionable advice for the future.

8. What Other Topics Would You Like To Hear About?

Ask your attendees this open-ended question for insights into what topics to discuss in future webinars, blog posts, or downloadable guides.

9. How Likely Are You To Recommend Our Brand to Your Friends and Coworkers?

This scale question gives more insights into how well the attendees liked the event. For example, if most attendees would recommend the business and future webinars to friends, marketers know the information was relevant enough to share across the industry with other professionals.

10. Would You Attend a Future Event?

End the survey by measuring how much interest there is in future events. For example, the audience might be interested in hearing more from the business and presenter. If so, marketers know investing in future webinars will yield a positive return and be worth prioritizing.

Schedule Your Next Webinar

Webinars for lead generation connect marketers to an audience of top technology executives, decision makers, and senior practitioners. Webinars are an opportunity to engage this niche tech audience and identify potential buyers for nurturing.

Contact us to present at an upcoming webinar event.