Content Marketing

Gorilla Guides as Content Marketing Vehicles

Article Summary

In the realm of B2B content marketing, Gorilla Guides have emerged as a potent tool, offering in-depth, stand-alone content assets that cater to various marketing goals. ActualTech Media's article delves into the multifaceted utility of these guides, emphasizing their role as a foundational element in content marketing strategies. Whether the objective is to rank higher in search results or nurture leads through tailored emails, Gorilla Guides offer a comprehensive content scaffold. These guides can be seamlessly integrated into various touchpoints, from email blasts and chatbots to social media promotions. The article also offers distribution and promotion tips, such as retargeting visitors, leveraging chatbots, and promoting on social channels. While Gorilla Guides are robust content assets in their own right, they are but a piece of the broader content marketing puzzle. For a holistic content strategy, businesses can explore content subscription programs, ensuring a consistent and impactful content cadence.

Part IX Of This 10-Part Blog Series on Enterprise IT Content Marketing Fundamentals

In the previous article we discussed: Building Attention-Retaining Drip Campaigns

In This Article:

  • Leveraging Gorilla Guides for all They’re Worth
  • Using Gorilla Guide Content for Email Blasts
  • Next Steps for Your Content Marketing Plan

🤫 PS: Looking for pricing on custom Tech content? Get a price list here

So that’s it! You’re now versed in the fundamentals of content marketing. Now that you know what you’re doing, you need some content to pull it all off.

Whether you’re wrestling for the No. 1 spot on the search results or nurturing your leads through carefully crafted emails, our Gorilla Guide program can provide you with a scaffolding for your content marketing efforts.

As you saw throughout the book, Gorilla Guides can not only can provide you with ready-to-go content to be used on different touchpoints, but they can also act as catalysts for your other campaigns (such as lead generation).

Getting the Most Out of Your Gorilla Guide

All in all, by making good use of these comprehensive, potentially evergreen content assets, you can cut through the noise in your industry and guide your prospects through the different stages of the B2B buying cycle.

Here are some distribution and promotion tips that will help you make the most out of your Gorilla Guide assets:

  • Send out an Email Blast: If you just published your Gorilla Guide, send out an email blast informing your existing leads about your new asset to gain some traction.
  • Retarget Visitors: Create different display ads for your Gorilla Guide and retarget the users who visit certain landing pages (but don’t take the desired actions). At ActualTech Media, we prefer using com for this purpose.
  • Leverage Your Chatbot: If you use an automated messaging app, like a chatbot, on your website to engage visitors, consider adding a message to the conversation flow where you recommend downloading one of your Gorilla Guides and share the link. We like Drift.
  • Promote on Social Channels: Share the download link on your company’s social pages, and request team members to do the same. Wherever possible, consider “pinning” the shared link at the top, making it the first thing that people see when they visit your pages.
  • Use Cross-Registration: In the lead generation forms for your other gated assets, add an option (a checkbox) to also download the Gorilla Guide with those content assets.

Remember—a Gorilla Guide Is Just a Piece of the Puzzle

Gorilla Guides are highly in-depth, stand-alone content assets that are more than sufficient for your marketing goals. However, for the complete, 360-degree planning and development of assets for an entire year, you can always opt for our content subscription program which provides enough fuel for your entire program with a steady cadence!

What Are the Next Steps?

Now that you know the importance of B2B content marketing, how to do it, and how Gorilla Guides can support you, the only thing left to do is to get in touch with us so we can plan our world domination together!

We’d love the opportunity to answer any questions you’ve got, have a few good laughs, and further discuss how our content can help you grow your business.

To reach out, simply email or call 888-741-7900.

To learn more about Gorilla Guides and check out a library of our high-performing books, visit

In our final article in this series, we will look at how to create exceptional content using the three "E's".