Content Marketing

Top B2B Content Marketing Trends of 2023

Article Summary

Staying updated with the latest trends is essential for producing content that resonates with the audience, positioning oneself as an industry leader. In 2023, several B2B content marketing trends have emerged. Consumers are showing a preference for smaller, bite-sized content pieces, leading to a rise in B2B social media engagement. There's a push towards unique content formats that stand out from the plethora of online information. Establishing an authoritative voice in content is crucial, as B2B buyers are increasingly valuing the trustworthiness of sources. Social media incorporation, especially platforms like LinkedIn, is becoming a primary channel for content distribution. Consistency in campaigns, which are no longer just short-term, is vital. B2B buyers are showing a strong inclination towards case studies, surveys, and research reports. Lastly, interactive content, ranging from quizzes to interactive e-books, is enhancing audience engagement by offering a more immersive experience.

Staying on top of the latest trends ensures you’re making content that your audience wants to read or watch the most. In addition, it positions you as a leader in your industry and keeps you ahead of your competitors. ActualTech Media has gathered some of the most important B2B content marketing trends of 2023 that you should incorporate in content marketing for tech companies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consumers prefer smaller, bite-sized pieces of information, which is fueling the increased interest in B2B social media
  • Find unique and creative ways to present your research to stand out from the oversaturation of low-quality and cookie-cutter online information
  • Quality content marketing builds on itself and offers a seamless customer experience

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1. Smaller Content Sizes

B2B buyers are gravitating to smaller, bite-sized content. Shorter blogs, smaller e-books, and quick infographics summarizing a topic are a few examples of content that performs well.

Shorter content provides information clearly and concisely and keeps the reader from feeling bogged down with data. If there’s too much information in one article, e-book, or video, the viewer is more likely to lose interest. For example, 73% of consumers say they skim blog posts.

Instead, you can break up complex topics into a series to keep them shorter and hold your audience’s attention for longer. For instance, HubSpot found the average length of their top 50 articles was 2,330 words. In addition, about one-third of its top 50 pieces were less than 1,500 words.

In this way, your readers can finish the e-book or video in one sitting and are more likely to read and respond to your short and straightforward call to action at the end.

2. Unique Content Formats

Roughly 88% of the most successful B2B content marketers say they value creativity. Even though B2B content marketing is very professional, your audience is still human. When you equate professional with stiff, you’ll lose most of your audience because they’ll grow bored and lose interest.

Your audience has many other channels for finding information. If they aren’t intrigued by what you’re offering, they’ll go somewhere else to find solutions.

Offering unique content cuts through the noise and offers your audience a new experience, which increases their attention span.

For example, ActualTech Media creates the Techslayer Chronicles, a comic book series that unravels tech topics in a fun and creative way. It ends with a list of key points and a call to action to ensure your audience understands the goal of the comic.

Because the comic book series isn’t something our clients are used to seeing, it’s quickly gaining traction as it’s giving buyers a new way to engage with content.

3. Authoritative Content

B2B buyers are growing more aware of the source of online information. Roughly 78% of B2B buyers said they’re placing a higher emphasis on a source’s trustworthiness.

Your content must have an authoritative voice that positions you as an expert in your field to stand out in 2023, such as by publishing thought leadership content.

How B2B content consumption habits changed over the past year

ActualTech Media helps IT marketers achieve this voice because we have a company of tech experts. Our founders were IT professionals before they created a business that supports IT professionals with resources and tools they wish they had. Because they have years of experience in IT, they can speak with authority.

For example, our tech experts write a Gorilla Guide series for marketers to use in their IT marketing strategy to gain trust with users through authoritative content.

4. Social Media Incorporation

On average, 92% of B2B marketers use social media for content distribution. LinkedIn leads the way as the top B2B social media platform. However, other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can also produce quality results.

The rise in social media use reflects the move toward short-form content consumption. Buyers are looking for quick blurbs of relevant and useful information they can read or view posts on social media instead of taking an hour-plus to read a long article to gain the same insights.

5. Campaign Consistency

Marketers who use the term campaign are often referring to a short-term strategy and goals. However, content marketing in 2023 isn’t short-term.

Most B2B buyers will interact with at least 10 pieces of content before making a purchase decision. In addition, some of the content you create might not yield results until months or years later.

Content marketing builds on itself. The content you produced last year laid the foundation for the content you’ll create this year. Each video, e-book, webinar, and other digital assets you make adds more information, addresses more pain points, and moves your buyers further through the sales funnel.

Because your content works together, campaign consistency is key. Unify each campaign or digital asset you create with your other content. Unified content has a singular voice, similar appearance, and consistent call to action to give your B2B buyers a clear idea of what action they should take.

6. Case Studies and Reports

B2B buyers respond the best to case studies, surveys, and research reports. They’re looking for content with reliable and authoritative data that backs up your claims and helps them make an informed purchasing decision. About 48% of B2B marketers said research reports performed best.

ActualTech Media’s tech briefs are a short-form digital asset you can use to publish your research reports in a bite-sized download.

B2B content assets that produced the best results in the last 12 months

7. Interactive Content

Interactive content changes your digital assets from passive to active content. You’re allowing your audience to say something, see something, respond, and engage with your content to break up the monotony of endless online scrolling.

Some examples of interactive content include:

  • Quizzes
  • Polls
  • Videos
  • Animations (like data visualizations for infographics)
  • Multi-touch images and video
  • Interactive e-books
  • Calculators

ActualTech Media incorporates interactive elements and creates interactive content for B2B marketers. You can increase your audience engagement by pulling them into your content through motion, sound, and responsive features that include your audience in the experience for a more positive response.

Incorporate the Top B2B Content Marketing Trends of 2023

ActualTech Media can help you stay on top of the latest B2B content marketing trends through our innovative content options and expert advice.

Contact our team of experts to learn more about our latest content creation services in 2023.