Infrastructure-as-Code Made Easy with env0
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC): it’s one of those phrases many in IT are aware of, but few actually understand at a deep level. In (very) brief, IaC is a way to deploy and manage cloud infrastructure in an automated fashion.
Why is that important? Because cloud development and deployment can be very complicated and resource intensive. env0 wants to help change that with its IaC offering. In this episode of “Spotlight Series,” ActualTech Media Partner David Davis learns about how env0 makes IaC fast and easy.
env0 DevOps advocate Tim Davis discusses how env0 helps with three primary areas of IaC:
- IaC automation. This concerns the entire IaC lifecycle, including deployments
- Teams and governance. This is about “keeping the guardrails on” while still enabling companies to do what they need to do
- Self-service. It’s crucial to provide ease of use while still keeping various controls in place.
The whole interview is available by clicking on the video above.