Beef Up Your Cloud Security with Solvo
“By 2023, 75% of security failures will result from inadequate management of identities, access, and privileges, up from 50% in 2020.” This statistic, from Gartner, should be a warning to organizations about upcoming security threats.
Getting out ahead of that looming danger is what Solvo is all about. The company helps tighten your security where it tends to be loosest: in the cloud.
Solvo CEO/Co-Founder Shira Shamban explains how it works in this Spotlight Series video with ActualTech Media Partner/CEO Scott Lowe. She discusses how Solvo deals with the problem at the source: with design and developers, what she calls the “left side” of the equation. Solving problems with excessive permissions in the cloud is a crucial step in improving your overall security posture.
Click on the video above to see the whole interview.